Legalism in Prayer
· ☕ 5 min read · ✍️ noel
As I am writing this after a long time, I don’t know where to start. But I think this is important enough to be out there. Somewhere. I don’t know if anyone else has written something like this but if not it needs to be written. It needs to be said. I should also mention that this piece is only for mature Christians. What I want to talk about is an aspect of Christian life.

On Prayer
· ☕ 17 min read · ✍️ noel
“The potency of prayer hath subdued the strength of fire; it hath bridled the rage of lions, hushed anarchy to rest, extinguished wars, appeased the elements, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven, subdued evil instincts, assuaged diseases, repelled frauds, rescued cities from destruction, stayed the sun in its course, and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt. Prayer is an all-sufficient panoply, a treasure undiminished, a mine which is never exhausted, a sky unobscured by the clouds, a heaven unruffled by the storm.

Notes on Humility
· ☕ 5 min read · ✍️ noel
Humility is one of the many mysteries of Humanity. It is one of those elusive ideas that are difficult to describe yet almost intuitive to understand. Everyone has a basic understanding of it, But when asked what it is, few are able to answer. Recently, I was in that difficult position. I was searching for words, a means to communicate, what exactly it means to be humble. And to tell the truth, I probably wouldn’t understand my own answer if I was the questioner… So, here I try to rectify the issue.