The Trap of One Thing
· ☕ 7 min read · ✍️ noel
For past few weeks I’ve been involved in a debate in one internet discussion forum. The subject is, “Why do people believe in God?”. Since, I am a believer, I thought, let’s join in. Let’s see what happens. So, I presented my reasons in a simple manner. Starting from the cosmological argument, then to the intelligibility of the universe, then history and finally my own experience. However, since I entered the discussion, it has really heated up.

Miracles asking for miracles!
· ☕ 9 min read · ✍️ noel
There are some people who say, God doesn’t exist. I do not know on what basis can they make such claims, however, the main thing that they ask for is evidence of God’s existence. Now they won’t accept anything that can be explained by science. They want something that can not be explained. In fact, they are asking of a miracle. They say if you show us a miracle, we will believe that there is a God.