Legalism in Prayer
· โ˜• 5 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
As I am writing this after a long time, I don’t know where to start. But I think this is important enough to be out there. Somewhere. I don’t know if anyone else has written something like this but if not it needs to be written. It needs to be said. I should also mention that this piece is only for mature Christians. What I want to talk about is an aspect of Christian life.

Should a Christian eat ice cream? (and other important questions.)
· โ˜• 10 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
There it is. The question might sound absurd but it’s a very important question that you should consider. I just had a discussion about it with my friend Jack. I’m reproducing it from memory for your benefit. I was sitting on a bench, eating ice cream when all of a sudden I heard a voice behind me, Jack: Noel? (Me, looking backโ€ฆ) Me: Jack! Hello! How are you? Jack: I’m fine.

In Defense of Faith
· โ˜• 6 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
This post came into being as a result of a recent debate on Facebook. The debate was about different religions. While discussing the whole range of issues covered in that debate is out of the scope of this post, I’d like to comment on one particular point that I wasn’t able to explain articulately during the debate. During the debate, a statement, which I don’t see as an argument, was used as an argument.

God, You and Your Influence
· โ˜• 1 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
Just a few days ago, when I was outside my house under the light of a bulb, I noticed how perfectly this analogy can be used to describe our influence or our impact on this world. The illustration is really simple. The closer you are to the bulb, the bigger your shadow. The bulb symbolizes God, you are you and the shadow is your influence. So, the closer you are to God, the bigger impact you can make on this world.

Basics of Warfare
· โ˜• 11 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. -Sun Tzu, ancient chinese strategist and philosopher That is one of my favorite quotes. It is in my opinion, one of the basic principle of warfare. Now let me tell you, the art of war, I know well. I have led many a battalions on the red battlefield. I have fought on land and I have fought in water.

Superstition, faith and christian faith
· โ˜• 13 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
What is faith? I asked at our local ICPF cell group. One replied, “Believing in something unseen”. Another said, “Believing without any proof”. Another said it is written in Hebrews 11:1. I said, “If you are going to quote the bible, you better be ready to explain what that verse means!”. We all laughed. Then the youngest in the group said “If I lend my book to my friend, I have faith that he will return it to me”.

ICPF - Inter Collegiate Prayer Fellowship
· โ˜• 4 min read · โœ๏ธ noel
ICPF Now for more than a year, I have been a part of ICPF. ICPF stands for Inter collegiate prayer fellowship. It’s an organization that works among the youth to educate them about the love of Christ. Let me tell you how I became a part of ICPF’s ministry. Finz, a friend of mine invited me and my brother to a nearby cell group of ICPF. So I went there and I had a great time in the presence of God.