Managing Information
· ☕ 6 min read · ✍️ noel
I’m studying and working. Plus, working in a field that is changing everyday. Everyday something becomes obsolete and without learning something new, one’s skillsets can become obsolete very fast. And then, I like to do a lot of reading outside of my field. What this means is, I have to be on top of a lot of information. I have to keep track of it. I have to revise it periodically.

Internet, information and biases
· ☕ 4 min read · ✍️ noel
Warning: This is a radioactive braindump. Reading further might hurt your brain. Now that’s aside, I’d like to talk about one of the things that I’m biased about. I’m biased about biases. My bias is, everyone is biased. And, there are right biases, wrong biases and ugly biases. So the first question that comes into my mind is, what the heck does these terms mean? I’m going to assume that everyone knows what is bias.

Basics of Warfare
· ☕ 11 min read · ✍️ noel
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. -Sun Tzu, ancient chinese strategist and philosopher That is one of my favorite quotes. It is in my opinion, one of the basic principle of warfare. Now let me tell you, the art of war, I know well. I have led many a battalions on the red battlefield. I have fought on land and I have fought in water.

Miracles asking for miracles!
· ☕ 9 min read · ✍️ noel
There are some people who say, God doesn’t exist. I do not know on what basis can they make such claims, however, the main thing that they ask for is evidence of God’s existence. Now they won’t accept anything that can be explained by science. They want something that can not be explained. In fact, they are asking of a miracle. They say if you show us a miracle, we will believe that there is a God.